Sunday, September 21, 2014

Projek Hari Ahad

Musim Haji tiba lagi......teringat 3 tahun lalu aku dan suami ku menjadi tetamu ALLAH...seperti mimpi aja segala urusan kami.....ALLAH beri segala kemudahan, ketika pertama kali nampak kelibat Kaaba....aku dah siap siap membawa secawan air zam zam, berdiri saja kami di tangga menghadap Kaaba, aku terus duduk dan berdoa agar ALLAH beri kesihatan, kesabaran dan akal fikiran yang waras untuk kami menunaikan ibadat kami.....sambil minum air zam zam...Alhamdullilah doa ku di perkenankan olehNYA. 42 hari di tanah suci Mekah dan Madinah.....rasa seperti sekejap saja.....Insyaallah diberi rezeki dan keizinan olehNYA, aku ingin kembali ke sana menunaikan umrah pula.
OK....hari ini last day cuti sekolah....dan juga last day Azri bercuti semester. Esok dia akan masuk ke semester 2, program Asasi Sains Pertanian nya itu. Anak, belajar la elok elok, emak doakan agar Azri dipermudahkan rezeki oleh ALLAH dalam usaha mencari ilmu.
Dan hari ini juga, aku buat roti sausage kegemaran anak anak di rumah ini......tak susah....BM aja yang menguli....cukup time....doh roti dah naik.....keluarkan dari BM.....potong kecil kecil dalam 30gms dan uli....masukan sausage....tunggu 15 minit dan terus bakar.....untuk 15 minit juga......Tingg.......siap....dan inilah hasilnya
Sedap sangat......memang tidak akan beli lagi roti di Bakers Cottage dah........
Ok...itu saja..... Resepi nya nanti ye......

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Kisah Hari Ini

Gambar ini dijumpai di sebuah laman web.......mamat ni rasanya orang Siam,ssedang "menyiang" ular untuk dijadikan.........

Balls....macam fishballs...hati hati semua.....loya kan....

Itu aja la nak story hari ni.....

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hidup ini

After a year of my last I'm back writing my blog. I missed writing and I hope I still have the writing skills.....
Today I am ready. Ready to face the world...sometimes to face the reality...I have to fake smile, my words..almost everything la......
Today my entry goes without foodie pictures....just mere words. In life there's ups and downs...we must have time for everything, happy, sad, excited....and also time for ourself. At this quiet moment, is where we can evaluate our inner self. What good are we giving to others, are we good enough to please others around us, are we so annoying that people around us doesn't even appreciate our existance. 
What ever good we do to others must be done sincerely, without asking anything in return. But as human, we need just a little of appreciation in return. A small wish of thank you will do....please don't deny this.....
I am one of the luckiest human alive...I have a small family...that really love me because of ALLAH. Syukran. ALLAH have given me lots of chances to make myself better. Alhamdullilah. I believe ALLAH answered my du'a. Now I can see clearly.....where i stand. I am not afraid of human, fear ALLAH, because akhirat is where we are heading, the utimate destination as promised by ALLAH to every single human.
Well....maybe I am good at cooking.....but I am not good as a friend or as a sister. But please take me for what I am....nobody's perfect.....but we can have some good relationships if we can accept each others weakness. Build a bridge not a wall....but when times are really hard, we have to build a bridge to step out off the scene and build a wall around us, so that we won't be emotionally harrased. 
In times of trouble, we tend to stay away and keep silent as that will be the best ever decision. 
I can't please everybody, I have myself to please. If crying can please myself, I will cry, though i seldom cry. Everything happened with a reason, though it seemed like we don't like it, but believe me...that is the BEST thing ALLAH is offering us. 
OK....if you read offended you, I plead my forgiveness from you. I'm only human, and I bleed when I fall down......